
Horse #2: Roland

In our house, we have a junk pile; we have a mini lost-and-found coaster; we have wonderful nooks and crannies. But we also have discard photographs from my dad. My father has an avid passion for black-and-white film photography, and on warm days will go nowhere without his Mamiya camera. The piles of  photographs that don’t work out during printing become quite useful: I’ve made binder folders from them, cards, and now, horses.

Please meet Roland, my horse #2.

Roland is a frisky fellow, certainly grown to his full size, but I don’t think he’s at all halter-broken yet. He’s very friendly, and will eat an apple out of your hand if you care to bring one, but he’s also one of those horsed you see glimpses of in the woods when it’s misty out: here one moment, gone the next.

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